Tuesday, April 14, 2009

3 More to Go!

I just finished my final presentation for my internship. Phew, after almost a year, it was finally over. Really, the feeling right now is kinda mixed between excitement for graduation and sadness for leaving this university life soon. But, for sure I'm so grateful for having a chance to learn and know a lot of amazing people. I just need to finish 1 report and 2 exams, then my undergraduate university life is totally over! I know I will miss this point of time, for sure.

Have I told you about my boo? Yea, he is the guy I mentioned earlier in the previous post. We are together now :) I am so happy that we actually have the same feeling for each other. I realize this relationship is not easy. There might be a lot of obstacles that might come up in the future due to our differences. However, I believe we will strongly hold each other and go through all the hard times together. That is what I feel anyway, I can not justice my feeling with any logical thoughts.

Anyway, its only Tuesday. Hopefully everything will work just fine for the remaining days this week.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Am I Crazy?

Lately, I've been in a state of crazy silly sort of thing. I will smile thinking of this one guy. Geez... Am I really crazy? He is just a guy. I met tons of guys before. But don't know why this guy seems to come often in my mind. Is it possible that I am falling for him? I am a kind of girl who is really really difficult to have that kind of feeling. Well, I'm just gonna let everything flow. Hopefully to a happy ending ;)


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why is everything so hard?

It seems like my life will get even harder n harder from now on. So many things to do within that such a short period of time. That's gonna be an endless list which I don't think I could even remember every single one of them. From the school stuff with its tons of little yet important projects, assignments, tests, essays, etc., work stuff that just makes me tired mentally and physically and causes me unable/unmotivated to do other things, financial stuff which I try to manage every single day, and a whole bunch of personal stuff. I hope I include everything, which I rarely do when I make a list. Well, that's real life, like one of my friends told me. I always talk back to him and I actually asked him.

Me: So, do you think my life before this point was not real?
Him: It was fake life. Welcome to a real life, my friend!
Me: Well... Too bad for me then.